Animal Welfare League
Founding Donors and Supporters
For a public non-profit organization such as the "Animal Welfare League" to thrive, it relies on a robust and committed volunteer base as well as dedicated leadership at its core to steer its mission.
Furthermore, these organizations depend on steadfast donors who wholeheartedly support their mission and are willing to step forward to champion the cause.

The League of 20 - Our Founding Donors

Marquis Peter L. Eckert
Ratu Muda Princess Karen Cantrell
Christopher A. Chambers, Lord of Skighaugh
Dr. Jeanne Ruderman
Laura Angelini
Ambassador Philippe Milgrom
Donelle Dadigan
Todd Williamson
Damien Diaz
Judith Flex Helle
Roger Neal
Joey Zhou
Christopher Loverro
Temukung Baroness Miranda Kramer
Annie Chen
Christopher Hulbert
Barry Simon
Louis Dong
Jaqueline Lewis
Nicolas Marlin
Volunteers, Foster Families and Donors are Urgently Needed
At the "Animal Welfare League" every donor and volunteer who participates in helping us fulfill our mission is an incredibly important part of the healing process for the animals we help to support. Although each situation is unique in it's own way, there are many animals who have become homeless through no fault of their own. It's during these periods of homelessness that these animals are most vulnerable to dangers from abuse, neglect and injury.
Be a lion, let your voice roar, let your presence be felt, and let your courage inspire others.

At the Animal Welfare League (AWL), there has been a large number of our volunteers who have requested a donor gallery for the purpose of further education and also for the most important reason of all, so others can truly see and hear of the need for animal advocates and to show these animals that they are truly deserving of the love, companionship and caring that all creatures need.

The Lion is one of the earliest animals to appear in Royal Emblems, The Lion is a traditional symbol of bravery, strength and valor.

Chicklet is a 14 year old Chihuahua mix from East Los Angeles, CA. She is a rescue and was found with her 5 siblings, who Chris raised and found homes for, when they were old enough. Chicklet is one of the most loving dogs that most people have ever met! She served for many years as a Therapy Dog at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital, interacting with patients in need. She has also provided Therapy Dog services at the Center For Living, Senior Center for many years. Chicklet also provided Therapy Dog services at Camp Jaberwalky, a Cerebral Palsy Camp on Martha’s Vineyard. She also took 2nd place in the Chihuahua competition, in 2016, at The NYC Hot Sauce Convention. Chicklet always brings a smile to everyone’s face!

I’m Pickle and the human in my selfie is my mom Miranda who just happens to be the secretary for the Animal Welfare League. She’s been doing animal rescue stuff since she was a kid. Nowadays she spends her time volunteering with rescues and shelters and donating to the cause.

My name is Princess Karen Cantrell and this little guy pictured with me is my rescue Santiago who we found through "Girls of Dog" animal rescue in Tustin, California. Since my earliest days as a child I was always taking in animals in need and it's been a life-long love. Please support the Animal Welfare League.

Scotty was abandoned by his owner at the age of 17 because they no longer wanted to care for him. Scotty was deaf, almost fully blind, had no teeth, and was incontinent, and his fur was badly matted. Against all odds, Scotty's journey brought him to the Hyle shelter where we met him and fell in love with him. Although Scotty crossed over the Rainbow Bridge in 2023, the last year of his life was filled with love, and he knew that he was wanted. Scotty enjoyed short walks and rides in his stroller, snuggling with his brothers, and absolutely loved our trips to Starbucks for pup cups. Scotty, we know you're watching over us. We love you and miss you very much.

I have 3 beautiful rescue animals which were all unexpected blessings. My cats, Piggy and Panda were born in my friend's backyard in Palm Springs. I brought them back to Las Vegas with me when they were 5 weeks old and they are now almost 4 years old. I found my 14 year old, 4 1/2 lb. chihuahua, Mia, in the middle of the street here in Las Vegas. It breaks my heart how people can disregard animals like they do. I know there are many people doing what they can to help animals, but more needs to be done and I will always do my part to do what I can.