RSSG Secretary to attend White Tie Event

RSSG - CA - News: Secretary Christopher A. Chambers, Lord of Skighaugh will be attending the white tie event with 2 of our Board of Trustees on March 3rd- His Imperial Highness Prince Ermias Sahle-Selassie Haile-Selassie. The President of the Crown Council and General Gregory R Copley this evening at The Army Navy Club in Washington D.C. Earlier today they all attended a luncheon for The Imperial Guard Regiment .We send our best wished for a successful evening and event.

Congratulations to both General Copley and HIH Prince Ermais ! The Crown Council of Ethiopia held a luncheon and dinner ceremony honoring the Anniversary of the Victory of the Battle of Adwa- Army Navy Club Washington D.C. Both serve on our Board of Trustees for RSSG - California