Welcome New Members: Royal Society Of Saint George- CA
The Board of The Royal Society of Saint George -California branch would like to welcome all the new members on this first semester, and...

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Prince Ermias Was Part of The Commemorative Tour of Australia
Congratulations to HCis Imperial Highness Prince Ermias Sahle-Selassie Haile-Selassie and to ISSA Pres. Gregory Copley. Both are on RSSG...

Genealogical Resources
Genealogy aka Family History has become of great interest in the last ten years. People of all races, ages and economic backgrounds want...

Royal Society of St. George California Branch-A Non-Profit Charitable Membership Society
A Non-Profit Charitable Membership Society The Royal Society of St. George is a benevolent and charitable organization; part of our...

International Royal Society of St. George-High Tea Quotes
Wow! What an incredible event! Elegant and sophisticated in setting, service & cuisine. The program was informative and entertaining. It...